Why Residential
Natural Gas?
Make Every Day Naturally Better
— with Natural Gas
Explore all the ways natural gas improves everyday — from reducing your monthly energy bills and carbon footprint to adding storm-ready reliability and comfort. And rest assured knowing that Florida City Gas is committed to safety at every step.
Safe & Reliable
Natural gas pipelines are underground — making them less vulnerable to severe weather — so you always have reliable energy when you need it. In fact, natural gas ranges and tank-style water heaters work without electricity, so you can take a hot shower and cook a delicious meal regardless of a storm. And, you never have to worry about running out or refilling a tank.

Incentives Available
We are committed to making wise investments to ensure we keep costs as low as possible. We offer several rebates and incentives to our customers on many natural gas appliances to help cover the upfront cost of installation. Plus, you’ll continue saving money on your utility costs month after month, year after year.

Energy Efficient
Natural gas appliances get the job done faster while using less energy and providing better performance. When you turn on the shower, the water is hot. When you switch on the range, you cook the perfect meal every time. And when you dry your clothes, they come out soft and wrinkle-free.

Environmentally Friendly
Natural gas is a smart choice for our energy future. Switching your water heater, range and dryer to natural gas reduces your carbon footprint. In fact, it’s like driving 3,217 fewer miles every year.
(Source: EPA.gov/energy/greenhouse-gas-equivalencies-calculator)

American Energy
Natural gas has played a crucial role in helping shape the future of American energy. The U.S. is the largest producer of natural gas in the world, with our current supply set to last well into the next century. The industry also creates millions of American jobs, supporting local and national economic growth.
(Source: https://www.worldometers.info/gas/gas-production-by-country/)

Did You Know?
At Florida City Gas, your safety is our top priority. We are constantly investing in our natural gas network by installing newer, technologically advanced pipelines with a longer useful life, and using state-of-the-art sensors to monitor the system. This allows us to stay ahead of issues before they start while providing uninterrupted service to our customers.
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Bonus Incentives
We’re offering limited-time incentives of up to $1,700 for customers located along our gas main. Contact us today to see if you are eligible!

Rebates and Offers
Florida City Gas offers several rebates and incentives on many natural gas appliances. When you upgrade your whole home, you can save over $1,000 with available incentives.
Let’s Talk Business
From small to big — and every size in between — more Florida businesses are choosing natural gas for its clean energy value, energy efficiency and cost savings.
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Find trusted professionals for appliance installs and upgrades.
Stay Connected
and Save
Keep the power running through storm season with a whole-home natural gas generator. If you also add the four major appliances, we’ll cover the installation cost!